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Call for Participation: Poetry Reading, 2024

100 Thousand Poets for Change: Poetry Reading

Saturday, September 28 | 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM (in four 80-minute sessions)

In person readings in Frannie Graves Auditorium, Campbell Hall, Agnes Scott College, and Zoom Participation for Off-Campus Participants

100 Thousand Poets for Change at Agnes Scott College is hosting its 10th annual poetry reading this year. The English Department continues to sponsor and support this event, now a part of the college’s regular calendar of events.

This global event is set for Saturday, September 28, 2024, with in-person readings in Frannie Graves Auditorium, Campbell Hall, Agnes Scott College, and Zoom participation for off-campus participants. It will be conducted in four 80-minute sessions, with a 10-minute break between each session. The reading will be recorded and, as in the past, the recording become part of the 100 Thousand Poets for Change archives. Students, faculty, staff, and poets and poetry lovers from the local and global community are all welcome to participate. Participants will have 6 to 7 minutes each in which to share their own work, or a poem or poems by another writer, in any language they choose, though English translations may be provided for the audience along with the original text if the work presented is in another language.

Participants are free to contribute whatever best represents to them the transformative power of poetry, the richness, joy, healing, comfort, and awareness it brings to their lives and to the lives of those who enjoy listening, reading, and appreciating it. Though justice, sustainability and peace remain broadly the salient themes, this is an occasion, above all, of celebrating poetry and the life of the imagination across cultures and languages, ethnicities, states and nations.

There is no restriction regarding the subject, theme or nature of poetry that may be read at the event, nor on perspectives or perceptions participants bring to it. 

Once I have your responses and the list of participants is finalized, I will send out an email with further details and the order and schedule of readings.

Waqas Khwaja

Ellen Douglass Leyburn Professor of English, Agnes Scott College